PR > PR: Sectors


GALERIA, Sao Paulo / MCDONALDS / 2024

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Case Film




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Intending to revive the importance and favoritism of the Big Mac on a global scale as the best-selling McDonald's sandwich and the most memorable in the world, we decided to seek the "opinion" of one of today's most popular artificial intelligence tools: ChatGPT. Based on A.I.'s finding that the Big Mac is the most iconic sandwich in the world, we began a PR strategy focused on leading the conversation and provoking our competitors to take part in it. They took the bait and helped our campaign achieve incredible earned media figures.

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Throughout its more than 60 years of existence, Big Mac has always been a product of the zeitgeist. At a time when artificial intelligence has reached its peak of popularity, it was time to use these tools to legitimize a popular truth: Big Mac is the most iconic sandwich in the world. When A.I.'s response hit the streets, besides arousing the public's curiosity, we provoked several brands to follow the trend and even "mimic" our campaign.


The Big Mac is a pop culture icon all over the world.

So much so that it is even used as an economic index in several countries ("The Big Mac Index"). However, with the new generations emerging, McDonald's has been looking to renew the popularity of its most famous sandwich. So it was time to prove that, even with the most advanced technologies and artificial intelligence, the Big Mac remains the most iconic of all its competitors.

Thus, it was time to demonstrate that, amidst the latest tech marvels and artificial intelligence, the Big Mac remains a towering icon among the myriad competitors of today's world.

Describe the creative idea

Since its launch, ChatGPT has become a highly credible content repository. This has generated relevance for the tool and positioned ChatGPT as a new search engine for the younger generation. So, knowing that ChatGPT uses the entire database available on the web as a source, it was the perfect time to use this repertoire to our advantage. We asked the artificial intelligence "What is the most iconic sandwich in the world?" and the answer was what everyone already knew: the Big Mac. So that there would be no doubt, we put the full ChatGPT answer in OOHs, magazines, and newspapers to reaffirm our truth. What wasn't foreseen was the wave of responses from our competitors, which generated even more relevance for our campaign.

Describe the PR strategy

The strategy entailed leveraging a cultural trend - querying famous AIs - to demonstrate that even ChatGPT can affirm that Big Mac is the world's number one burger. As technology increasingly shapes opinions, individuals tend to regard the responses from these AI tools as absolute truths.

Given that Gen Z is increasingly utilizing ChatGPT as a search tool - as a text assistant for daily tasks, studies, and even routine planning - it was evident that this should be the AI chosen to co-create our piece.

With this in mind, our campaign would serve as a brand statement endorsed by something entirely unbiased. It was so impartial that the response came from someone who had never even tasted a Big Mac.

Describe the PR execution

The campaign kicked off with the release of a social media video showcasing ChatGPT constructing the response that brought our campaign to life.

Simultaneously, we disseminated our pieces through OOH media and in Brazil's major print publications, such as Folha de S. Paulo and Veja magazine. Various media outlets didn't take long to start reporting on our campaign. And then came the plot twist...

Unexpectedly, our campaign took a global turn when our competitors directly responded to our pieces. This sparked an intriguing 'OOH ad war', making us a worldwide discussion topic and leading to coverage by news portals from all continents.

List the results

- R$2 billion (US$ 400M) earned media for an investment of R$349K (US$ 69.8K).

- 307M reach - the goal was to reach 2.4M people, and we reached 150 times more than planned.

- 85 million people audience.

- A 400K rise in orders (during the first week).

- +2.0 percentage point increase in "favorite fast-food brand". Achieving over 27 percentage points ahead of the main competitor.

- Just like the Big Mac, which has been sold on all continents with the same recipe since the year it was launched on the menu, our campaign guaranteed global reach, earning local press coverage on all continents.

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