Media > Channels


GALERIA, Sao Paulo / MCDONALD'S / 2024

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Case Film




Why is this work relevant for Media?

This campaign creatively utilizes Out-of-Home advertising to target specific locations with melancholic names, effectively reaching not only audiences in those areas, but strategically maximizing exposure and engagement with it's feel-good message, that is the core of McDonald's. Demonstrating how media can influence emotions and perceptions in unique ways, if you put them in the right place.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Brazil, streets often bear names that reflect emotions or experiences, including sadness and melancholy. These names can impact the mood and atmosphere of the surrounding areas, influencing how people feel and interact within these spaces. McDonald's recognized the opportunity to spread it's joy and positivity in these locations by launching the campaign, leveraging cultural nuances to connect with audiences on a deeper level. Moreover, Brazil and Brazilians have a cultural tendency towards the underdog syndrome, stemming from years of adversity and hardship. This campaign taps into this cultural context by positioning McDonald's as a safe haven, where even in proximity to streets with names that evoke sadness, individuals can find happiness. It's a strategic move to reinforce McDonald's role as a source of comfort and joy in people's lives, aligning with the cultural ethos of resilience and optimism in the face of challenges.


Situation: McDonald's sought to address the challenge of bringing happiness to locations with melancholic names, such as Sadness Neighboorhhod and Nostalgia Avenue, in Brazil.

Brief: Create an Out-of-Home campaign that promotes McDonald's as a source of joy and happiness, even in the saddest places.

Objectives: Increase brand awareness and association with positive emotions.

Highlight the strategic positioning of McDonald's over 1000 stores, strategically located to always be close to people.

Improve brand perception by demonstrating McDonald's commitment to spreading joy.

The media insight behind this campaign was the recognition of the emotional impact of street names on people's perceptions and experiences. By strategically targeting locations with sad addresses, McDonald's aimed to disrupt negative emotions and create positive associations with its brand.

Describe the creative idea/insights

The creative idea stemmed from the juxtaposition of sad addresses with the concept of bringing joy and happiness through McDonald's offerings. Research and data gathering revealed the prevalence of streets with melancholic names in Brazil, providing a unique opportunity for McDonald's to make a meaningful connection with consumers.

Describe the strategy

Target Audience: Brazilian consumers, including potential McDonald's customers, who view the restaurant as a safe space for happiness, regardless of their location or surroundings with sad addresses. The media planning involves leveraging Out-of-Home advertising to target specific locations with sad names, resonating with the emotional context of each address. The approach focuses on delivering a feel-good message that emphasizes the proximity of McDonald's and its ability to uplift spirits, thereby increasing brand awareness and association with positive emotions while driving foot traffic to nearby locations.

Describe the execution

Implementation: Out-of-Home advertisements strategically placed near sad addresses, featuring compelling messaging and imagery.

Media Channels and Integration: Primarily Outdoor advertising, complemented by digital media in app, to amplify reach and engagement.

Timeline: Campaign execution aligned with the offer of two main itens on McDonald's menu, French Fries and Big Mac Combo, maximizing relevance and impact.

Scale: Smal scale campaign covering multiple cities in Brazil, targeting neighborhoods with sad addresses, ensuring broad exposure and penetration.

List the results

Time spent with brand: Increased dwell time at McDonald's locations near targeted addresses. Proof of engagement: High levels of interaction with Out-of-Home advertisements, including social media shares and comments. Owned media results: Positive feedback and sentiment from consumers, reflected in brand mentions and testimonials. Earned media results: Extensive coverage and discussion of the campaign in local and national media outlets, generating buzz and awareness. Consumer loyalty: Enhanced loyalty among customers who experienced McDonald's feel-good moments in their neighborhoods. Brand perception: Improved brand perception, with McDonald's being recognized as a source of happiness and joy in even the saddest places.

How is this work relevant to this channel?

This campaign innovatively employs Out-of-Home advertising by focusing on areas with somber names, successfully engaging local audiences and enhancing visibility with McDonald's uplifting message. It illustrates the impactful role of media in shaping emotions and perceptions when strategically positioned. This approach not only connects with viewers on an emotional level but also reinforces the brand's positive core message through clever placement.

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