Creative Data > Creative Data


GALERIA, Sao Paulo / MCDONALDS / 2024

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Case Film




Why is this work relevant for Creative Data?

ChatGPT utilizes the database available across the entire internet to generate real-time responses within its platform. It was from this data that the response that graced our campaign originated. Beyond merely employing ChatGPT as a tool, we transformed artificial intelligence into the primary creative force of our campaign, reaffirming the iconic status of the Big Mac worldwide.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Throughout its more than 60 years of existence, BigMac has always been a product of the zeitgeist.

At a time when artificial intelligence has reached its peak of popularity, it was time to use these tools to legitimize a popular truth: Big Mac is the most iconic sandwich in the world. When A.I.'s response hit the streets, besides arousing the public's curiosity, we provoked several brands to follow the trend and even "mimic" our campaign.


The Big Mac is a pop culture icon all over the world.

So much so that it is even used as an economic index in several countries ("The Big Mac Index"). However, with the new generations emerging, McDonald's has been looking to renew the popularity of its most famous sandwich. So it was time to prove that, even with the most advanced technologies and artificial intelligence, the Big Mac remains the most iconic of all its competitors.

burger. Thus, it was time to demonstrate that, amidst the latest tech marvels and artificial intelligence, the Big Mac remains a towering icon among the myriad competitors of today's world.

Describe the creative idea/data solution

Amidst the overdose of campaigns and other brands increasingly reaching out to Gen Z, creating a strategy that would strengthen our main product—the Big Mac—without us assuming the role of spokespeople.

We utilized ChatGPT and all the knowledge that artificial intelligence possesses to generate an undeniable argument—the Big Mac is the most iconic sandwich. Icons, by their very nature, require no validation; their status is indisputable.

This distinction was not earned in isolation but through a collective effort. It is a testament to the love and loyalty of everyone who has savored the Big Mac over the years, contributing to its enduring popularity.

Describe the data driven strategy

The Big Mac is undergoing a makeover and strengthening its image for new generations, and bringing in a new influencer and opinion leader was necessary to persuade Gen Z. Instead of creating another McDonald's campaign talking about McDonald's, nothing is more powerful and convincing than bringing together all the information from the internet in one place, Chat GPT.

Describe the creative use of data, or how the data enhanced the creative output

To uphold the Big Mac's position as #1 beyond our menu and to convince the entire world, we used the "Personality of the Year" and "Opinion Leader" databases: Chat GPT.

This is a campaign crafted by human intelligence and one conceived with artificial intelligence. This approach elevates our arguments from mere opinions to undeniable facts. With all the information and data available on Chat GPT, we have the most iconic sandwich in the world—the Big Mac.

List the data driven results

- R$2 billion (US$ 400M) earned media for an investment of R$349K (US$ 69.8K)

- 307M reach - the goal was to reach 2.4M people, and we reached 150 times more than planned.

- 85 million people audience

- A 400K rise in orders (during the first week)

- +2.0 percentage point increase in "favorite fast-food brand". Achieving over 27 percentage points ahead of the main competitor.

- Just like the Big Mac, which has been sold on all continents with the same recipe since the year it was launched on the menu, our campaign guaranteed global reach, earning local press coverage on all continents.

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