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Why is this work relevant for Creative Data?

The RooBadge animal deterrent results from 50 years of data collection and analysis on Australia's kangaroo collisions and species populations. In addition, we collaborated with leading animal protection agencies to gather live data on kangaroo collisions, thus increasing the effectiveness of RooBadge in reducing such accidents.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Australia is a vast country, and with most people often driving long distances for both work and leisure. As roads expand and cross more regions of the country, drivers increasingly encounter wildlife, resulting in a growing number of collisions each year - 90% of which involve kangaroos.

The problem is particularly pronounced for Australians living in rural areas. Collisions are so common that many people simply avoid driving around dawn and dusk, when kangaroos are most likely to be moving, because no effective deterrent is available.

Exacerbating the problem is a shifting taste in cars. Like many other countries around the world, Australians are driving bigger vehicles than ever before. Particularly in rural areas. This predominance of pickup trucks and SUVs has, ironically, increased the risk for drivers, passengers and wildlife alike.


90% of animal collisions in Australia involve kangaroos, which results in tens of thousands of vehicle accidents yearly. Almost all of these accidents result in the kangaroo's death and cost over $100 million in insurance claims. The number of collisions is sadly growing, with a leading insurer reporting a 19% increase in claims.

Currently, all deterrents available on the market are scientifically proven ineffective. For example, plastic 'roo whistles' fitted to a car's grille produce generic audio that does not actively deter kangaroos and typically can't be heard over the vehicle's noise.

The Volkswagen team witnessed this firsthand when filming a commercial in rural Australia. They hit a kangaroo with their Amarok equipped with a plastic whistle, which led them to question why no one had solved this problem. As a result of this real-life experience, the client briefed us on how Volkswagen could leverage its size and safety credentials.

Describe the creative idea/data solution

RooBadge is a revolutionary accessory that transforms the Volkswagen badge into a protective audio shield to deter kangaroos from roads. It comes equipped with an in-car app that uses machine learning to compare the vehicle's GPS coordinates with kangaroo distribution records. The app then creates an audio deterrent specifically engineered to alert the kangaroo species in that location by mixing artificial sounds with meaningful sounds from nature, such as predator howls, bird calls, and warning thumps.

When a vehicle enters a kangaroo hotspot, RooBadge automatically activates and emits a focused beam of ultrasound (inaudible to humans) using cutting-edge directional speaker technology, which alerts kangaroos of approaching danger and deters them from the road, making travel safer for drivers and wildlife.

Describe the data driven strategy

Over a number of decades, insurance companies, government bodies, and scientific organizations have kept records of kangaroo collisions. However, there is no central database containing all the information, which has resulted in data being spread far and wide. To address this issue, we collaborated with these organizations to create the first-ever central database of kangaroo collisions. We collected data from the past 30 years and cross-referenced it with the kangaroo warning sign database to create a national map of kangaroo hotspots.

Although species geo-distribution data was available, it was outdated. To make updating the data easier, we created an API that will enable all parties to access and manage the data in real-time.

To make this process as easy as possible, we collaborated with animal protection agencies to launch a mobile reporting tool that captures kangaroo collisions by species and gender. Helping make kangaroo protection easier for all.

Describe the creative use of data, or how the data enhanced the creative output

Early investigations found it's impossible to create a single sound that can deter all kangaroos. This is because kangaroo species respond differently to various sounds - including natural ‘alarm’ signals. To address this, we used geo-distribution data to create different audio deterrents depending on the location a vehicle was traveling through.

The brain of the RooBadge is the in-car app it connects to (via bluetooth) that uses data to compare the vehicle's GPS to the geo-distribution data. This activates the appropriate audio deterrent input depending on the location.

To further enhance the functionality of the RooBadge, we used kangaroo collision data to automatically activate it when traveling through hotspots. By collaborating with leading animal protection organizations, we were able to gather real-time data, which helps in identifying new collision hotspots. This data allows the RooBadge to be instantly activated when needed.

List the data driven results

Business Impact Results

500+ signed up for the 1st release in 4 day

30,000 visitors to the website

533 Australian Media Mentions (14% TV, 36% radio, 7% print and 40% online)

103M total potential editorial reach (or 5+ potential exposures given

Australia's adult population of 20.7M)

98% positive sentiment

$7m+ Australia earned media value.

1.3k Global media mentions

1.5B total potential editorial reach

We’re working with partners overseas to modify RooBadge to deter other animals, such as deer. This wouldn't have been viable without the geo-adaptable audio that RooBadge emits.

Since the introduction of RooBadge in Australia, numerous government and private organisations have shared and contributed data to our master database, which has helped us improve our solutions. Volkswagen has been invited to talk at various forums about innovation, including government-held ones.

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