Design > Brand Building


BRANDS&PEOPLE, San Pedro Garza García / STRAP TECH / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Design?

According to the WHO, 2.2 billion people have some kind of visual impairment.

Many of them face significant challenges in everyday mobility, which often leads to accidents and injuries. For centuries, people with visual impairment have used canes as mobility tools. While technology has rapidly evolved, the white cane has not changed at all. Ara is an innovative assistive device designed for visually impaired individuals. It leverages real-time sensor information to detect obstacles at various levels (head, chest, and below the waist), alerting users via haptic vibrations. A new sense for self-navigation, autonomy and freedom.

Is this product available for purchase?

Yes, Ara is currently on the market through direct sales on Strap Tech's official website worldwide, providing an essential tool to empower the visually impaired with greater mobility, safety, and independence in their daily lives.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Developed in Mexico, where daily mobility poses a significant challenge and risk for the blind and visually impaired, Ara emerged as a pivotal solution to one of their major barriers: autonomy and independence. Sidewalks often lack consistent urban design, featuring large gaps, holes, bumps, and varying heights, while trees and vegetation encroach on pathways, complicating mobility. Streets generally lack safe crossing infrastructure, and the prevalent driving culture heightens pedestrian risks. Additionally, public transportation systems do not adequately alert users to bus stops or help identify buses, challenging independent travel.

Despite these localized challenges, Ara's design transcends geographical boundaries. Its haptic feedback system effectively eliminates language barriers, making it a universally applicable technology. This adaptability ensures that Ara's innovative solution to mobility and independence smoothly transfers across cultures worldwide, addressing both the specific navigational challenges in Mexico and similar obstacles faced by visually impaired individuals globally. The introduction of Ara, therefore, is not just timely for Mexico but holds significant relevance for various cultural and market conditions around the world, highlighting its universal applicability and impact.


Visually impaired individuals face significant challenges in everyday mobility, which often leads to a reliance on others and a limited ability to navigate independently.

Mobility difficulties can lead to accidents and injuries, posing a risk to health and wellbeing. This can include falls, collisions, and other mishaps due to undetected obstacles.

These challenges limit quality of life, restricting participation in many aspects of society, including work, education, and social activities.

Growth in the Assistive Tech market for the Visually impaired : $14B by 2031

Visually impaired population worldwide: 701M by 2050

We are looking at a "hidden industry," highly growing and increasing exponentially in population and market value per year even though there's a limited selection of products.

98% of users hit themselves once or more per week

36% of injuries require medical attention

1.5 hrs of mobility assistance per day

Source: Ara_Research_Impact_on_Mobility_and_Safety, available in the supplementary materials.

Describe the creative idea

Strap Tech's Ara device revolutionizes mobility for the visually impaired by integrating lidar and ultrasonic sensors with AI for intuitive navigation. The technology operates in three steps:

Step 1: Data Capture - Sensing the World

Ara employs an array of sensors, including upward-facing ultrasonic sensors for overhead navigation and side-mounted ultrasonics and forward-facing lidar and ultrasonics for comprehensive coverage. Dual lidar sensors angled downwards, along with an additional ultrasonic sensor, detect low-level obstacles.

Step 2: Data Analysis - Making Sense of It All

Captured data undergoes instant processing by Ara's advanced AI, identifying potential obstacles and filtering out irrelevant objects.

Step 3: Communication - Translating Insights

Ara communicates environmental information through a simple haptic language, utilizing tactile actuators embedded in haptic foam on the device's rear and within the straps. This nuanced feedback system alerts users to obstacles without auditory cues.

Describe the execution

For the new brand identity, we drew inspiration from stars, which have played a crucial role in navigation throughout human history. The result is a three-letter word: Ara, named after a southern constellation. We chose a modern, clean typography, a contemporary color palette, and a refined photography style. The Strap Tech icon represents evolution, empathy, connection, and autonomy. The packaging, sleek and minimalist, underscores the brand's commitment to simplicity and accessibility. In designing the packaging, we prioritized accessibility by touch and sound. While many may wonder why there is no Braille on the packaging, it's important to note that only 10-15% of visually impaired individuals are proficient in Braille. Instead, we opted for simple sound onboarding, making it easy to discover and use the device for the first time.

List the results

Ara by Strap Tech aims to revolutionize the lives of the visually impaired, offering seamless autonomy in mobility. Positioned to redefine assistive technology, Ara aligns with a rapidly growing industry projected to reach $14 billion by 2031, coinciding with the expected rise in visually impaired individuals to 701 million by 2050.

Ara's adaptability is showcased through its update capabilities, enhancing user navigation across 19 countries. Significant reductions in collision risk by 80% and a decrease in injury rates from 36% to 6% have been observed. Users have experienced an 11% increase in walking distance and a 19% boost in speed, illustrating profound user benefits. These key performance indicators demonstrate Ara's impact and are detailed in a study available in the supplementary materials. With $3.7M usd received in investment fueling its evolution, Ara embodies the sector's innovation, propelling us towards ensuring visual impairment is no barrier to independent living.

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