Sustainable Development Goals > Planet


MARURI, Guayaquil / QUITO SIN MINERÍA / 2024


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film




Why is this work relevant for Sustainable Development Goals?

The campaign led to a referendum that stopped mining companies from exploiting the Andean Chocó. To defend the Andean Chocó is to defend life. The non-incursion of mining companies into the sector means saving 2,868 km2 of rainforest.

This area is home to:

· 150 species of mammals.

· 90 species of reptiles.

· 120 species of amphibians.

· 640 species of birds.

· More than 3,000 species of plants, representing 12% of all plants in Ecuador.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The government, as always, needs a lot of money. That is why they created a close relationship with mining companies, where business comes first. This relationship leaves the government with a lot of profit and society with an environmental disaster, affecting 2,868 km2 of rainforest.

How does this campaign fit into the overall brand objectives? How is this part of the brand's wider commitment towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

Quito sin Minería´s objective is to defend the Andean Chocó and preserve its natural resources and its 2,868 km2 of rainforest.

The campaign meet Goal #15 of the SDGs: Life on land.

We preserve:

· 150 species of mammals.

· 90 species of reptiles.

· 120 species of amphibians.

· 640 species of birds.

· More than 3,000 species of plants, representing 12% of all plants in Ecuador.


Brand values:

The Andean Chocó region in Ecuador, a UNESCO natural sanctuary, contains 2,868 km2 of rainforest and thousands of species in one of the most biodiverse region of the world. Quito sin Minería is committed to preserve this region and all of its resources in benefit of the people and planet.


Develop a campaign strategy to halt mining operations in the Andean Chocó region.


Stop new mining concession and preserve the natural biosphere, animal species, plant species, clean water and assure decent and sustainable work within the community.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate and the significance of the work within this context

Media regulations/restrictions:


Civil liberties issues:



The citizens of Quito were poorly informed about the issue and were the ones who had to vote.


The Andean Chocó is one of the last forests in Quito and has been declared by UNESCO as biosphere reserve. This forest removes at least 266,000 tons of carbon from the atmosphere annually, which helps reduce global warming.


The government grants concessions to mining companies to exploit the Andean Chocó and thus have economic returns, regardless of the irreversible environmental disaster they would generate.

Peace & Justice:

Mining companies and communities in the Andean Chocó have clashed in the past.

Inclusivity & Partnership:

Quito sin Minería is a group of organizations, collectives and people from the populations of the northwest of Quito that are not part of any political party.

Describe the creative idea

Use one of the legal weapons (article 104) of the Ecuadorian Constitution as our own weapon and create a boomerang effect to hit back mining companies and government.

Describe the strategy

Data gathering:

· 150 species of mammals.

· 90 species of reptiles.

· 120 species of amphibians.

· 640 species of birds.

· More than 3,000 species of plants, representing 12% of all plants in Ecuador.

Target audience:

Citizens of Quito. People that live in the biggest city of Ecuador and, its majority, never visited and didn't care about the Andean Chocó.


Government and mining companies created Article 104 thinking citizens would never use it against them. They thought activating it would be too big of a task because people just wouldn't care. We decided to use it.

Article 104 says:

"Citizens may request the convening of a popular consultation on any matter.”

To make people care, through the eyes of the Spectacled Bear we made the citizens of Quito experience the horror they live each time a mining company enters their habitat.

Describe the execution


Legal advocacy, grassroots mobilization, strategic communications, and strategic partnerships to maximize our impact and achieve protect the Andean Chocó region from mining exploitation.

First we collected 380,000 signatures to make the referendum official.

We used film, digital, influencer, guerrilla marketing, events, radio, activations to make them care about the Andean Chocó.


From May 2023 to August 2023.


· Physical locations such as community centers, town halls, and public spaces, as well as digital platforms including social media, websites, and online platforms.

· Newspapers, radio, and television were utilized as free press to reach a diverse audience and generate media coverage of the campaign.


Campaign was targeted to 3.5 million citizens of Quito.

Describe the results/impact

Contribution to SDG:

Contributed to Goal #15

Saved 2,868 km2 of rainforest containing:

· 150 species of mammals.

· 90 species of reptiles.

· 120 species of amphibians.

· 640 species of birds.

· 12% of all plants in Ecuador.

Business impact:



This idea and strategy can be applied to any project that aims to destroy the environment.

Behaviour change/action:

Citizens of Quito have become activists, vigilant of their forests and natural reserves. Ecuador's citizens now know that the law gives them the power to decide.

Legislation change/regulations:

Winning the referendum meant the creation of a law that stops mining activities forever. Never again can a mining concession be granted in the Andean Chocó.

Awareness/attitude shift:

Thanks to the campaign, the citizens of Quito have become activists, vigilant of their forests and natural reserves. Ecuador's citizens now know that the law gives them the power to decide.

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

How will this work drive progress for individuals, organizations or wider society?

The communities of the Andean Chocó will live in a protected region with no desertification of the land, with sustainable management of forests and an intact biodiversity.

How do you plan to scale this idea?

Same creative and strategic mechanism will be used to defend future projects that aim to depredate the environment.

What's next for this idea?

Continue turning more citizens of Quito into environmental activists and to spread this spirit to all of Ecuador. For now, Boomerang 104 will fight other mining projects in the south of the country in the near future.

Were the carbon emissions of this piece of work measured? For additional context, what consideration was given to the sustainable development, production and running of the work?

There were no carbon emissions for this work.

The entire campaign was carried out with zero emissions and pollution. They were organic, human actions that respected the water and the communities of the Andean Chocó.

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