Titanium > Titanium


MARURI, Guayaquil / QUITO SIN MINERÍA / 2024

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Case Film




Why is this work relevant for Titanium?

Redefining environmental activism is a game changer action.

We left behind the classic environmentalism to become law experts. And use the laws that the government and mining companies created, against them.

Creating a boomerang effect that derailed the strategy of the mining companies.

Not only did we manage to protect a UNESCO biosphere and see thousands of species and protect clean water, but we also turned millions of citizens of Quito into active and conscious environmentalists.

Other countries have similar articles, but we understood that there is nothing more powerful the giving power back to the people.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Ecuador, the government and mining companies have built an almost unbreakable relationship, where business comes first. And together they created legal weapons, even in the Constitution, to protect the mining industry.

With this scenario, it was almost impossible to stop massive mining in the Andean Chocó, a UNESCO natural sanctuary.

Other countries have similar articles that allows people call for consultation, but this never happened. Our case is different, this was the first time in history that people called for a referendum because the campaign, gave power back to the people.



The Andean Chocó region in Ecuador, a UNESCO natural sanctuary, is located near Quito, the capital of Ecuador. Its home of thousand of species, clean water and 2,868 km2 of rainforest was under threat from massive mining operations facilitated by a close relationship between the government and mining companies. Traditional activism methods have proven ineffective in stopping the exploitation of this environmentally sensitive area.


Develop a campaign strategy to halt mining operations in the Andean Chocó region.


Stop new mining concession and preserve the natural biosphere, animal species, plant species, clean water and assure decent and sustainable work within the community.

Describe the creative idea

Use one of the legal weapons (article 104) of the Ecuadorian Constitution as our own weapon and create a boomerang effect to hit back mining companies and government.


Across the country and the region, new environmental battles will be fought under our approach, creative idea and strategy. We have opened the door for a new style of environmental activism. This idea has a very large mileage, which can even be applied around the world.

Giving power back to the people is a GLOBAL strategy.

Industry impact:

This campaign redefined environmental activism forever. Giving power back to the people had such an impact that it stopped a government, its laws, and its pre-established businesses. It changed the mindset not only of activists, but of ordinary citizens, who understood that at a certain point they can be activists with their vote.

Describe the strategy

Target audience:

Citizens of Quito. People that live in the biggest city of Ecuador and, its majority, never visited and didn't care about the Andean Chocó.


Government and mining companies created Article 104 thinking citizens would never use it against them. They thought activating it would be too big of a task because people just wouldn't care. We decided to use it.

Article 104 says.-

"Citizens may request the convening of a popular consultation on any matter.”

To make people care, through the eyes of the Spectacled Bear we made the citizens of Quito experience the horror they live each time a mining company enters their habitat.

Describe the execution


Legal advocacy, grassroots mobilization, strategic communications, and strategic partnerships to maximize our impact and achieve protect the Andean Chocó region from mining exploitation.

First we collected 380,000 signatures to make the referendum official.

We used film, digital, influencer, guerrilla marketing, events, radio, activations to make them care about the Andean Chocó.


From May 2023 to August 2023.


· Physical locations such as community centers, town halls, and public spaces, as well as digital platforms including social media, websites, and online platforms.

· Newspapers, radio, and television were utilized as free press to reach a diverse audience and generate media coverage of the campaign.


Campaign was targeted to 3.5 million citizens of Quito

List the results


The campaign reached 3.5 million citizens of Quito


2.1 million people were called to vote

1.7 million voted

68% voted “yes” to protect the Andean Chocó

That means 1.1 million voted “yes”


First time in the history of Ecuador a referendum was called by the people. Quito citizens were not aware or active in the defense of the Andean Chocó, but we managed to turned them into activists and let them fight mining companies. We gave power back to people.

Brand perception:

The campaign redefined environmental activism forever. Setting an example not only in Ecuador, but the whole world.

Brand perception:

Quito sin Minería is perceived as the leading NGO that turned tables on environmental activism

Achievement against business target:

We turn ordinary citizens with no interest in environmentalism into activists. We now have a more educated and informed public. Aware that they have the power.

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