Design > Brand Building


BICKERSTAFF.734, Kyiv / ESCULAB / 2024

CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Supporting Content
Presentation Image
Supporting Images
Supporting Images
Supporting Images
Supporting Images
Supporting Content
Case Film
Supporting Images
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Why is this work relevant for Design?

“Take a Look Inside Yourself” campaign redefines Esculab's brand, encouraging self-discovery via medical analysis.

Why is it relevant for Design? Let’s see…

Created design concept encourages a person to “take a look inside yourself” by visually merging the inner and outer worlds a person’s body lives in. This idea is then scaled up via a versatile visual system.

This visual system explores how AI can be utilized to preserve production budgets and create more diverse design systems without compromising on visual quality.

As a result, the campaign’s visuals reactualize the importance of medical analyses, revitalize a medical lab's image,

Is this product available for purchase?

Esculab's services are accessible for purchase. Esculab medical laboratory let’s people understand themselves better through comprehensive medical analyses.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The War

Amid the tragic war in Ukraine, people became less attentive to their health, constantly postponing their mental issues and previously regular (at least to some extent) health check-ups. Somebody had to encourage Ukrainians to pay more attention to the connection between their health and quality of life. War also brought in the philosophy of total budget preservation and constant businesses' optimisation. Ukrainian brands of medications and medical services were already known for their mostly out-dated, dull and one-sided-we-speak-you-listen approach to communications. War made them cut marketing budgets even more, with some brands simply relaunching their commercials from previous decades with updated pack shots. Never before was it so important to provide clients with quality tools for creating scalable product, performance and image content.

The Search for Meaning and Reason

No surprise, war also amplified the need for spiritual and personal exploration among Ukrainians. Knowing you are on a shorthand with higher cosmic powers, let it be astrology or crystal balls, understanding your inner world, let it be chakras or ancestral memory, gives you at least some feeling of control over your life. However, it also creates a situation where people can rely on superstitions more than on proven medical tools. We resonated with this urge for self-understanding. Tolerating other’s beliefs, we neither criticized nor debunked the influence of higher powers. God or Gut. Could be both. We only invited people to narrow down possibilities via medical analysis. Putting medical testing in one line with other popular self-exploration practices.


Esculab, reputable medical laboratory, facing evolving market dynamics, where your capability to correspond to the context and produce a lot of mesmerizing content directly influences profitability.

The brief was to redefine brand identity and assert its relevance in the modern healthcare landscape.

Objectives: transform the perception of medical analyses, emphasize their importance; and engage audiences in a meaningful dialogue.

With a modest yet strategic budget – 20k dollars, we set out to maximize impact while ensuring efficient resource allocation. It included the creation of a design system, tutorials to use AI, created graphic templates for the in-house Esculab team, digital content - 80 items, and supervising of an in-house team. We also implemented unique AI-based workflow into our campaign, which saved more than 1,840 hours of work, in terms of production.

It was 360-degree campaign across various media platforms, offering a cohesive brand experience from captivating visuals to thought-provoking content.

Describe the creative idea

The target audience of medical analysis is as wide as potential reasons for medical conditions. So we decided to target those who want to know more about themselves.

The main idea of the campaign is to show that medical analyses can be a great tool for self-exploration, by showing connections and countering uncertainty.

Counter uncertainty.

For people who seek at least some clarity in this complex world, Esculab provides an opportunity to understand what affects their lives more: stars or vitamins? Tarot or hormones? Cortisol or charged crystals? Esoteric reasons or medical ones?

Show connections.

Esculab medical laboratory became a window between micro and macro worlds human bodies live in. Firstly, utilising AI we create “micro” versions for all the visuals we use, placing them inside Esculab logo-shaped lens. Secondly, through procedurally generated geometric pattern we link macro and micro worlds together and show how they

Describe the execution

Utilizing AI, we create “micro” versions for all the visuals we use, placing them inside Esculab logo-shaped lenses. Real-world objects are turned into cells, tissues, and bacteria, while overall forms and shapes remain the same, allowing photos to align perfectly.

Through procedurally generated geometric pattern, we link macro and micro worlds and show how they influence one another. Words like “adrenalin” or “metabolism” are placed over the macro world.

Design touchpoints:


Digital Banners

SMM materials


Design development and process: We experimented with different AI IMG-to-img models and created a unique new workflow utilizing Stable Diffusion and TouchDesigner, which in terms of production saved us 1,840 hours (over 2 months) in the first month alone.

Choice of campaign elements:

Real-world photos with objects and people + AI-generatives with cells, tissues, bacteria, and microelements aligned with each other.

Our approach: maximize content quantity, maintain content quality, minimize content production costs.

List the results

We managed to get 9.36 million impressions, of which 2.5 million were organic (PR + content) due to creative solutions. This increased the overall awareness by 5 percentage points and spontaneous awareness by 7.

Overall awareness from 25% to 30%

Spontaneous awareness from 12% to 19%

From the consumption indicators, we see an increase in direct inquiries (not through a doctor). This may indicate a shift in the perception of analyses as a separate product from medical services.

Utilizing AI technology, we revolutionized the rebranding process for Esculab, making it faster and more efficient than ever before. With tools like Stable Diffusion and TouchDesigner, we streamlined our workflow and produced over 80 design elements in a fraction of the usual time. Implementing this AI system saved us 1840 hours of work.

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