Design > Packaging




Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Design?

The product's design conveyed the concept of combining Istrian olive oil production tradition with modern practices and technologies. The box extends an amphora outline, continuing the cracks from the bottle and creating a link between the present-day shape of the bottle and the amphora from the past. The bottle and the box complement one another, and when the buyer sets the bottle in the box, he becomes the story's actor, bringing it to completion. The bottle's design encompasses the entire bottle, while the color contains a small amount of actual red earth from the "Istriana" olive groves.

Is this product available for purchase?

"Istriana" is available for purchase in high end gourmet retail shops and webshops. The product is aimed for the overseas market, specifically the US market, but is available for the European market as well. Since it's promoted outside of Istrian borders (Croatia's peninsula), the homeland of "Istriana", its packaging design educates the consumers about the place where olives are grown and cultivated.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The “Istriana” box emphasizes the connection with the past through the authentic shape of the Roman amphora used on Istrian soil to store olive oil. Ever since the era of the Roman Empire, the Istrian olive oil has been mentioned as a synonym of quality in epic poems: ”Cordova, thou art more fertile than the unctuous Venafro and as perfect as Istrian oil” by Marcus Valerius Martialis. With the fall of the Empire, Istria no longer enjoyed the reputation it had during the Roman period. However, in the 90s, it gradually reaffirmed its status as one of the world’s best olive growing regions, by meeting all the requirements for creating top quality olive oil. In designing this bottle, we wanted to create a connection between Istria's glorious tradition of olive oil production and today's modern quality and practices in order to educate foreign customers.


The quality of Istrian olive oil is relatively unknown outside of Croatia, so our aim was to inform foreign consumers about the quality of olive oils from the country that produces "Istriana". We had to acquaint them to the history of olive growing in this region, demonstrating how far back the tradition dates and showing them proof of how Istrian olive oil has been praised even in epic poems of the era: ”Cordova, thou art more fertile than the unctuous Venafro and as perfect as Istrian oil” by Marcus Valerius Martialis.

The initial production run was 5000 bottles. The production cost per bottle was €3,00, while the production cost per gift box was €15,00. As the product and the initiative itself received acceptance from the intended consumers, the initial quantity of "Istriana's" products expanded significantly.

Describe the creative idea

The manufacturers of "Istriana" needed packaging that would showcase not just their olive oil, but also the region's olive oil production heritage to a global market unfamiliar with it. The name alone reinforces this idea. Keeping this in mind, the project's creative objective was to depict the olive oil bottle as meaningfully reassembled fragments in the shape of an authentic amphora from the Istrian area during the Roman Empire, used to store and transport oil. The fragments represent rediscovered knowledge of making the best olive oil. This allowed us to connect the bottle to the history of the Istrian olive growing tradition. The target audience was consumers outside of Croatia's borders, primarily from the United States and the western Europe, specifically the top 20% of the market, consumers who enjoy, appreciate, and value quality, as well as chefs and culinary enthusiasts.

Describe the execution

Color coating was applied to the glass bottles to create cracks in the paint, allowing us to glimpse the interior - olive oil, that binds and holds the reassembled amphora parts together. The logo's crack also connects the bottom serif font representing the Roman period to the upper sans-serif font representing the present, much as a good past serves as the foundation for a strong present. The box insert is made from Fedrigoni paper type called "Terra Rossa," meaning "red earth". The chosen terracotta tone matches the color of the amphora and the land type of the "Istriana" olives, known as red earth. Additionally, just like the clay used to manufacture the original amphora, red Istrian earth from olive trees was actually blended into the bottle's color pigment. The color is unusual for olive oil product packaging, thus it stands out among others.

List the results

The distinctive color and the story behind the product helped the client, being new to the market, stand out and get recognized. Following media coverage of the product's design, numerous sellers chose to stock it for that reason alone. With so many sellers, the producers have sold out of their supplies and need to expand production. Furthermore, the design achieved its educational goal by promoting Istria as one of the top places for olive oil cultivation. It inspired several customers to research the location and even plan a vacation, as seen by comments on social media, where everyone emphasized the excellence of this olive oil.

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