Entertainment > Branded Entertainment


THE LEGO GROUP, Billund / LEGO / 2012


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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It's hard to describe the current situation of branded management in a particular region or country, as this campaign is global and the response to the campaign and the TV series has been phenomenal.

The TV series, which is a cornerstone in the transmedia campaign, is currently airing in the US, Canada, Germany, Korea and Greece and will soon start airing in Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Singapore, India, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Italy, Latin America, Belgium, France, Hungary, Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, and Romania; TV networks in the UK and Iran have also shown interest.The ratings and the sales after airings are spectacular.


The objective was to create a global toy IP. It's the first time the company has rolled out a campaign of that magnitude. The campaign included the TV series, multiple TV spots, video games, social games as a new play experience, instore campaigns and a variety of licensing products such as comic books and magazines.

It's always difficult to strike a balance between the different markets as children's likes and dislikes are different, depending on the region. To strike that balance, the concept and tale behind the IP has been tested multiple times, in different regions. And there are always ups and downs during testing where a bad result at times means going back to the drawing board.


Since the premiere of the TV series, the ratings have continued to soar. In February 2012, the TV series was the no.1 programme on broadcast and cable TV in the U.S. among boys aged 6-11 and 2-11. In Germany where the TV series started airing in February, 45% of all boys aged 4-12 watched the show. The amount of Ninjago videos, some ripped from the episodes, other uploaded by fans around the world, are astounding. Some of them have over a million hits.


Awareness and engagement amongst the target group has reached very high levels.

Product sales in the U.S. increased with 90 percent from week 2 to week 4 after the TV series aired in January and we went from 18 percent below budget to 25 percent above budget.This IP has become the best new launch the company has ever done.Turnover has doubled compared to earlier launches.Sales on some products almost doubled after launch of TV series. And the figures continue to soar.Furthermore, the TV series was nominated for one of the prestigious Annie Awards for Best Direction in a Television Production alongside shows like the Simpsons and Kung Fu Panda.

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