Media > Insights & Media Strategy


MRM , São Paulo / SAMSUNG / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Media?

Samsung was accustomed to breaking sales records during Black Friday week every year.

So, in 2023, when all the media budget allocated to Black Friday had gone, and the company hadn't achieved its goals, it faced a moment of distress.

The question arose: Would it be possible to compensate for the poor results, in the very short term?

The answer was 'yes'. Using only Direct Media, through Data-Driven Targeting, in a hyperpersonalized way, Samsung turned the slowest sales week (the week after Black Friday) into the second-best sales week of the year.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The Brazilian economy is unstable, and almost all Brazilians belong to the middle or lower class. Because of this, they eagerly await the Black Friday week and plan purchases for this period to take advantage of the widely promoted discounts. Consequently, every year, the Black Friday week breaks sales records in Brazil... and the week after Black Friday is the slowest.


In 2023, because Samsung had not achieved the Black Friday goals, and needed to compensate for the bad results, the brief was to find a simple, cheap and effective way to sell products in the short term.

With all the media budget allocated to Black Friday spent, we should now focus on Direct Media.

Describe the creative idea/insights

We discovered that 80% of online shoppers abandon their shopping carts, and many do so intentionally, hoping for further discounts.

Using only one of the most traditional channels (e-mail), but in an innovative way, we leveraged the "abandonment" behavior and offered "Throw Back Deals": the latest product models at the price of old ones. We hyper segmented and hyper personalized offers to Samsung database. Precisely, 735,000 people were impacted by 735.000 personalized emails.

Describe the strategy

Analyzing various sources of data, we discovered a common behavior shared between the Samsung database and the Brazilian population: most people, eager to buy something, abandon the product before completing the purchase.

To capitalize on this behavior, we mined the Samsung database and constructed the 'Abandoners' cluster (consisting of people who abandoned their shopping carts in the last 2 years). From this cluster, we created numerous microsegments based on the abandoned products (3k SKUs), e-commerce activities, website interactions, and engagements with digital media advertisements.

Describe the execution

The activation took place the week following Black Friday and lasted only one day, to be precise, just seconds: the time it took to press the button and send 735,000 emails, plus the time for them to reach the target.

After that, we just had to wait for the people to open their e-mails, get surprised by the offers, buy, and spread the news.

List the results

With ThrowBack Deals, Samsung turned the slowest sales week into the second-best sales week of the year.

In the following week from Black Friday, we increased 318%.

We sold more than R$ 3,5 million in products, that's USD$ 700,000.

YOY E-Mail open rate: 67%

The average open rate is 2,6%

Return in investment: 5145%

The results were so impressive, and Samsung liked the idea so much, that it became an always on activation for the brand.

Describe the use of data, or how the data enhanced the work

We integrated the behavior and data from past Black Friday timelines and created numerous creative assets with calls to actions like:

"I'm the ghost of your 2021 shopping cart.

Hello, [client's name]

2021 called. They want their price back.

Get the S21 throwback deal on the S23.

Buy now"


"Am I a year in your cart because I suck?

Hello, [client's name]

Get a robot vacuum cleaner that sucks even more.

Get the 2022 robot deal on the 2023 model.

Buy now"

This way, we transformed digital signs from the past into a brand-new strategy.

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