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Why is this work relevant for Innovation?

The Coffee Wall initiative leverages the natural deterrent properties of coffee plants to address the dual challenge of jaguar conservation and community livelihood in Colombia's San Lucas region. By transforming traditional coffee cultivation into a dynamic barrier that prevents jaguars from encroaching on farmland, this project not only solves a critical wildlife-human conflict but also innovates in landscape design and agricultural practices. Furthermore, the introduction of Café Conserva® extends this innovation into the market, creating a sustainable economic model that integrates conservation efforts directly with global commerce, showcasing a scalable solution that harmonizes environmental sustainability with community development.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The jaguar, the largest feline in the Americas, traverses a route known as the 'Jaguar Corridor,' extending from Mexico to Argentina. A key section of this corridor, Colombia's Serranía San Lucas, serves as an essential link between South and Central America. Unfortunately, this path overlaps with farmlands and ranches that have penetrated the jungle, putting farm animals within the jaguars' hunting range. To protect their livestock, humans often kill jaguars, placing the species at risk. The region's isolation limits government influence, and despite awareness campaigns, ranchers' survivalist attitudes persist. Experts report that at least 92 jaguars were killed in Colombia between 2019 and 2021.


WebConserva is an independent, non-profit foundation dedicated to promoting ecosystem conservation and sustainable use. It implements projects and programs centered on environmental education and research. Despite their efforts, they have not been able to stop the defensive hunting by communities. The jaguar is listed as "Near Threatened" on the IUCN Red List, and its population has decreased by 25% in the last 30 years.

How can a balance be found between conserving America's largest feline and meeting the needs of the communities in the Serranía San Lucas?

Describe the idea

To preserve jaguars along their natural migration paths, WebConserva engaged the rural community of the Serranía de San Lucas to develop the Coffee Wall, a natural barrier crafted from coffee plants and strategically placed to separate the jaguar corridor from livestock areas. This barrier utilizes the potent scent of coffee to influence jaguar behavior. To promote the cultivation and expansion of this wall, we created Café Conserva®, a high-rated Colombian export coffee. Sales are reinvested in these families to generate more hectares of the wall, with promotions through social media and an e-commerce platform for local and global sales. Revenues from Café Conserva® are continuously reinvested into the community, supporting the sustainable expansion of the natural wall.

What were the key dates in the development process?

2020: Conceptualization and initial feasibility studies.

2020-2021: Community training and planting of the first coffee plants as part of the Coffee Wall.

2022: First harvest of coffee plants and official launch of Café Conserva®.

2023: Expansion of the coffee wall to additional hectares; enhancement of the e-commerce platform. Reached 250 tons of Café Conserva® sold internationally. Invited to COP28 due to the project's impact.

Describe the innovation/technology

The Coffee Wall initiative illustrates how innovation transcends technology, embracing behavioral and cultural transformations. From the discovery that jaguars avoid the aroma of coffee plants, this project employs ecological insights to forge a comprehensive solution that combines landscape design, wildlife conservation, and sustainable commerce. In the Serranía San Lucas, WebConserva fosters a circular economy, pioneering a new form of wildlife conservation that replaces punitive actions with community integration.

Innovations include:

1. Landscape Design: This initiative uses coffee crops to establish a natural barrier. The coffee's aroma modifies jaguar behavior and provides a valuable, marketable crop.

2. Sustainable Brand Design: Café Conserva® supports the barrier's expansion along the jaguar corridor. It markets the coffee both nationally and internationally, aiding economic expansion by integrating more local families.

3. Cultural Shift: Eschewing punitive approaches, this strategy promotes legal, community-driven conservation efforts, ensuring sustainable and lasting outcomes.

4. Nature as Media: Leveraging regional natural resources, this approach protects the environment and its ecosystems, demonstrating nature’s vital role in conservation.

Describe the expectations/outcome

Café Conserva® has sold over 250 tons in more than five countries, enabling the expansion of the natural barrier to 2,400 hectares. Its impact led to an invitation to COP28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference. The Coffee Wall is projected to reach 6,000 hectares

by 2030, bolstering the local economy by providing a sustainable income source for farmers and reducing reliance on traditional or illicit crops. This initiative is poised to serve as a global model for similar conservation efforts and to spur further research into the effectiveness of coffee scent as a jaguar deterrent and the ecological benefits of coffee cultivation.

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