Design > Brand Building



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Why is this work relevant for Design?

The Coffee Wall initiative exemplifies design effectiveness by seamlessly integrating nature, wildlife conservation, and sustainable commerce. To prevent jaguars from being killed by ranchers defending their livestock, we utilize landscape design to create a living barrier made of coffee plants—a natural deterrent that keeps the felines within their natural corridor. To promote the expansion of this barrier, we launched Café Conserva®, a brand that extends this design philosophy through its packaging and e-commerce ecosystem. Profits are reinvested in local farmers who continue to expand the barrier along the entire jaguar corridor, thus protecting the species and enhancing local economy.

Is this product available for purchase?

Yes, Café Conserva® is readily available for purchase both in Colombia and internationally through our dedicated e-commerce platform. This global accessibility aligns with our strategic design approach, which includes a meticulously crafted website. The website not only details the coffee’s origin and the unique aspects of the San Lucas community but also educates consumers about jaguar conservation efforts. This comprehensive approach ensures that every purchase supports the sustainability of the wall.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The jaguar, the largest feline in the Americas, traverses a route known as the 'Jaguar Corridor,' extending from Mexico to Argentina. A key section of this corridor, Colombia's Serranía San Lucas, serves as an essential link between South and Central America. Unfortunately, this path overlaps with farmlands and ranches that have penetrated the jungle, putting farm animals within the jaguars' hunting range. To protect their livestock, humans often kill jaguars, placing the species at risk. The region's isolation limits government influence, and despite awareness campaigns, ranchers' survivalist attitudes persist. Experts report that at least 92 jaguars were killed in Colombia between 2019 and 2021.


WebConserva is an independent, non-profit foundation dedicated to promoting ecosystem conservation and sustainable use. It implements projects and programs centered on environmental education and research. Despite their efforts, they have not been able to stop the defensive hunting by communities. The jaguar is listed as "Near Threatened" on the IUCN Red List, and its population has decreased by 25% in the last 30 years.

How can a balance be found between conserving America's largest feline and meeting the needs of the communities in the Serranía San Lucas?

Describe the creative idea

To preserve jaguars along their natural migration paths, WebConserva engaged the rural community of the Serranía de San Lucas to develop the Coffee Wall, a natural barrier crafted from coffee plants. Strategically placed to separate the jaguar corridor from ranchs and livestock areas, this barrier utilizes the potent scent of coffee to influence jaguar behavior. This approach not only reduces the conflict between wildlife and humans but

also transforms coffee crops into a protective measure. To promote the cultivation and expansion of this wall, we created Café Conserva®, a high-rated Colombian coffee made from the same coffee grains of the natural barrier. Revenues from Café Conserva® are continuously reinvested into the community, supporting the sustainable expansion of the natural wall.

Describe the execution

To create an effective and sustainable landscape design, this initiative began with training local communities in coffee cultivation, introducing them to a product they were not previously familiar with. It was crucial to select plants that were not only aromatic but also of premium quality to ensure the project's sustainability. To promote the expansion of the

barrier, we created and designed Café Conserva®, a coffee brand with its own logo, packaging, e-commerce, and distribution system. Marketed both locally and internationally, leverages digital platforms to broaden its impact. Profits are reinvested into the community to sustain and expand the Coffee Wall into new areas of the jaguar corridor.

List the results

It has sold over 250 tons in more than five countries, allowing us to expand the natural barrier to over 2,400 hectares to date. Due to the impact of this initiative, Café Conserva® was invited to COP28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

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