Glass: The Lion For Change > Glass: The Lion for Change




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Why is this work relevant for Glass: The Lion for Change?

The Guarded Bus Stops project is highly relevant for Glass Lions as it directly combats gender-based violence and harassment at public transit points, a significant issue of gender inequality in Brazil. By transforming bus stops into safe spaces with real-time security assistance primarily for women, this initiative challenges societal norms and provides a proactive solution to a gender-specific safety concern. It not only enhances women's security but also promotes a shift towards more progressive, gender-aware public spaces, embodying the spirit of the Glass Lions by using creative innovation to foster gender equality and safety.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Brazil, the high incidence of gender-based violence and harassment, particularly in public spaces, creates a pressing social issue. Statistics indicating that a woman is raped every 8 minutes in the country and that 97% of women have experienced harassment on public transport. That's why 77% of them fear being alone at bus stops after dark (and it should be 100%), reflecting widespread anxiety about personal safety that women face daily. This climate of fear is exacerbated by the general perception of inadequate governmental protection at critical points such as bus stops, where women often feel most vulnerable during nighttime hours.

The Guarded Bus Stops project by Eletromidia was a direct response to these conditions, designed to offer a tangible solution to enhance safety for women and other vulnerable groups in urban environments. As the largest OOH media company in Brazil, Eletromidia is uniquely positioned to leverage its extensive network of digital advertising displays, transforming them into interactive safety hubs.

This initiative also aligns with the brand’s mission to innovate and improve the urban experience.

Launching this project at a time when discussions around public safety and gender equality are at the forefront of Brazilian societal concerns, underscores its relevance and urgency. This project exemplifies a culturally and contextually appropriate response, reflecting a deep understanding of the local challenges and the brand’s capability to initiate positive change within this framework.


The Guarded Bus Stops project by Eletromidia addressed pressing issues of gender safety and representation in Brazil, where the vulnerability of women at public transit points is alarmingly high. In response to the pervasive harassment faced by women, Eletromidia leveraged its extensive network of digital and static displays, primarily located at bus stops, to enhance safety for women during vulnerable night-time hours.

Aligned with Eletromidia’s brand values of innovation, social responsibility, and community empowerment, the project underscored the company's commitment to creating safe urban environments and fostering gender equality. The primary objectives were to improve public safety for women. On a second importance, ther was strengthening the brand's position as a leader in socially responsible advertising and opening new avenues for client engagement focused on ethical and community-centric values.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate around gender representation and the significance of the work within this context

In Brazil, the cultural, social, and political climate around gender representation is marked by significant challenges. Despite progress in various areas, gender inequality and violence against women remain pervasive issues. The statistics are alarming; for instance, a woman is raped every 8 minutes, with many of these incidents occurring in public spaces such as bus stops. The statics are as stagerring as there are sad. 97% of women have experienced harassment on public transport. That's why 77% of them fear being alone at bus stops after dark (and it should be 100%). This context of heightened vulnerability highlights a critical need for initiatives that enhance women's safety and promote gender equality.

This initiative is particularly significant in the Brazilian context where the government's response to gender-based violence has been insufficient, leaving a gap that necessitates private sector involvement. The project aligns with no specific media regulations or civil liberties issues but operates within the broad framework of enhancing public safety and promoting gender-sensitive initiatives, setting a precedent for how companies can leverage their assets for social good in regions where gender disparities are pronounced.

Describe the creative idea

Guarded Bus Stops project transforms traditional out-of-home advertising spaces from bus shelters into interactive safety hubs, to help women waiting for their buses, to be and feel safer. These billboards are equipped with real-time video communication technology that allows isolated women at bus stops during vulnerable night-time hours to connect instantly with security professionals. Waiting for the bus alone at night in Brazil can be very unpleasant, not to say dangerous. That's why Eletromidia mapped out the most deserted and/or dangerous bus stops in some cities, and transformed their Digital Billboards into a powerful tool for companionship and protection, with security professionals who made company for the women, until their bus arrived. These professionals are trained not only to provide reassurance but also to alert city public security services if needed. Today, the project has over 100 Guarded Bus Stops up and running, in 3 different cities.

Describe the strategy

The strategy involved a comprehensive approach that emphasized data-driven decision-making and proactive engagement. Eletromidia conducted extensive research to map every bus stop across the three cities where the project operates. They used crime statistics and demographic data to identify the most deserted and potentially dangerous bus stops for women, focusing resources where they were most needed. This ensured the initiative was effectively targeted and deployed, addressing real and specific safety concerns.

The main social target-audience are women who use public transport during night-time hours, identified as particularly vulnerable to harassment and assault. But the project also extends its benefits to other at-risk groups, such as the elderly and LGBTQIA+ community.

On second importance, the business target audience includes companies interested in aligning their brands with socially responsible initiatives, particularly those focused on community safety and public welfare. But also includes Local Governments and Municipal Authorities.

Describe the execution

We transformed digital billboards into interactive safety hubs. This integration of technology into everyday urban landscapes showcased a clever use of existing assets and infrastructure, optimizing costs and production time, and enhancing the scalability of the solution.

The project initiated as a pilot on February 28, 2023, with 5 stops in Campinas, connecting users with security professionals from 8 PM to 6 AM, seven days/week.

After proving its effectiveness, the project officially expanded on September 11, 2023, transitioning to a permanent service offering (and new business model) of Eletromidia.

Today, it operates in 3 major cities: Campinas (1.14MM inhabitants), Rio de Janeiro (6.7MM) and São Paulo (12.3MM), strategically selecting locations identified as high-risk through data analysis.

Over 100 Guarded Bus Stops are now operational across three of Brazil’s largest cities, with 2,000 new ones already announced, indicating a robust national rollout.

Describe the results/impact

The primary goal of improving safety for women at bus stops was achieved spectacularly— the behavioral change is evident from the 0 incidents of harassment reported at the transformed stops. So far, the project has protected over 1 million women. But it also assisted other vulnerable groups, including the elderly, LGBTQIA+ community, and even saved a man’s life - by calling him an ambulance during a heart attack.

The initiative has exceeded initial expectations, securing 9 major sponsors and generating over $10 million in earned media and U$9 million in new income, that’s being re-invested in the project, to make it bigger and long-lasting.

Eletromidia's brand perception dramatically enhanced as a leader in socially responsible business practices, particularly in promoting gender safety.

This success has spurred plans for expansion, with 2,000 additional installations already officially announced, confirming the substantial scalability and effectiveness of the initiative in promoting safer urban environments.

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

The long-term impact of the Guarded Bus Stops project is expected to drive significant progress not just for individuals, particularly women and vulnerable groups, but also for wider society by reinforcing the importance of safety in public spaces. For organizations, it offers a blueprint on integrating social responsibility with business operations, potentially influencing other companies to adopt similar initiatives.

Plans to scale the project include the official announcement of 2,000 additional installations, demonstrating the project’s adaptability and scalability across different urban environments. This expansion will amplify the initiative’s impact, encouraging more cities and sponsors to invest in similar community-focused solutions.

Furthermore, a few congressmen have already sent bills, currently being processed in congress, trying to make Guarded Bus Stop a mandatory item in the cities.

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