Mobile > Rich Media Advertising for Mobile Devices



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In Project Re: Brief we reimagined Alka Seltzer's iconic, 'I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing', by bringing back the original ad’s character, Ralph, through personalised videos and immersive experiences.The ad can be experienced on mobile phone applications across Google’s AdMob network, on both iOS and Android devices.The story is told through 3 1970s sitcom-style episode, as viewers are entertained by events in Ralph’s day that led up to the original ad’s iconic moment. Each experience is customised to its viewer, as story elements change with cues such as location, time, weather, or the context of the user’s app.The ad experience begins with a classic opening montage, in which scenes and elements are customised to make it relevant to the viewer’s environment. For example, users in New York would see Ralph driving through Time Square, while those viewing it in Chicago would find familiar elements of The Windy City.Each of the 3 episodes is then served to the viewer based on the time of day. For example, at 9am a viewer would, see 'The Morning Affair' episode. Throughout each episode, key story elements change with the viewer. As the viewer’s weather changes, so does the weather in the story.Story elements can also change based on the user’s interests. So when Ralph receives a package from his postman during the afternoon episode, the contents of his packet adjust accordingly.Each episode gives the users an option to influence the story directly, by interacting with Ralph. When Ralph and Fred disagree about the radio station, a viewer can step in to help pick a song. The selection might lead to the characters sharing a tender moment or perhaps jamming them together right up to the point that the story takes a turn for the worse. When Ralph needs help waking up, iPhone users come to his aid with the use of the device’s accelerometer. And during Ralph’s birthday dinner, a simple distraction by tapping on his window adds a twist to the story.Each story leads up to Ralph eating "the whoooooooole thing". The emotion captured in, 'I can’t believe I ate the whole thing' has resonated with everyone for over 40 years. Through these re-imagined ads, Ralph can once again become relevant for today’s audience, and associate the line and emotion with Alka-Seltzer.