Entertainment Lions For Sport > Branded Content for Sport


MERCADO McCANN, Buenos Aires / GOOGLE / 2019

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Why is this work relevant for Entertainment Lions for Sport?

Argentinians deeply love football. And they don't want to miss anything from the match, not a single minute. That's why the Google's bubble was born; a Google Search new functionality. You can follow the score in real time by searching your team on Google and activating the score.

Describe the creative idea

As good football super fans, the Argentines worry about looking for the latest information on the matches, so they do not miss anything and are aware of every minute.

But the Argentine faces a great dilemma: sometimes responsibilities get in their way. And they are a desperate to search the football score.

When it comes to search, Google is the right place to help us in that task. Thanks to the new real time bubble and the minute-by-minute feed, people could follow their favorite teams from their phones. We chose to put ourselves in the place of the fans and all the things they have to do to follow the results of their team.

Describe the strategy

The main challenge was to communicate a completely new service framed into a traditional search engine. On the other hand, through the communication strategy, we had to get people to have a new reason to enter the search engine more frequently.

That's why we make a strategic partnership with the Agentinian Soccer League to present this functionality.

Describe the execution

During only one month, we had a TV commercial that place the spectator inside the phone. We presented the typical situations in which people have to peep into their phones to follow their matches. We covered the city with posters of each team of the first division of Argentina. We aired the commercial on TV. We designed banners in different online media adapted to the different first division teams colors, so that all fans felt identified. In addition, we made dynamic banners and fences all over the country.

Describe the outcome

1) We've reached 155% of our target of increasing unique users of Google Search.

2) The unaided awareness of Google Search increased 5 percentage points from October to November

3) We innovate with announcements with real time results, both in out of home and Digital, achieving a 35% CTR higher than regular Display ads.

4) We've reached more than 11 Millions views on YouTube, also achieving the # 1 position in the YouTube Ads Leaderboard of Argentina in October.

5) Sports mobile searches increased by 6% during the campaign period.

6) We achieved a 55% ROI

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