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SPRINGTIME, Buenos Aires / GATORADE / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Media?

Gatorade Match Saver, a peer-to-peer digital platform, connects teams missing players with eager participants, addressing the frustration of canceled sports games. Leveraging diverse media channels and digital platforms, the app effectively reaches its audience. Through online campaigns, social media engagement, and influencer partnerships, Match Saver engages amateur sports enthusiasts in Argentina. This strategic use of media enhances Match Saver's visibility and impact, ensuring uninterrupted sports experiences.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Argentina, where amateur sports are deeply ingrained in culture, Gatorade identified a common frustration: canceled games due to missing players. With over 27 million weekly participants, this problem not only disrupted sport but strained friendships. The Gatorade Match Saver app was born as a solution, connecting teams needing players with willing participants. The peer-to-peer mobile app used geolocation to help players “match” and keep playing sports. The campaign resonated culturally, and in the Argentine sports culture, the social media engagement was massive. Gatorade demonstrated its commitment to supporting amateur athletes, reinforcing its brand values, and fostering deeper connections with consumers.


In Argentina, over 27 million people participate in amateur sports weekly. However, when a player drops out, the game is canceled, leading to strained friendships. The abrupt cancellation of sports due to missing players is a well-known issue among amateur athletes, disrupting both the enjoyment of sports and social connections.

Gatorade, renowned for its expertise in hydration and longstanding support of professional athletes, recognized the need to deepen its connection with amateur players. The objective was clear: to connect with amateur players in a meaningful way in any media to reinforce Gatorade's brand values of empowerment, teamwork, and perseverance within the amateur sports community.

What better solution than to provide amateur players with a means to continue playing sports?

Describe the creative idea/insights

Gatorade Match Saver is a peer-to-peer app designed to connect teams missing a player with those who really wanted to play.

With the app, teams could search for a missing player by selecting the sport, day, time, and location of the game. Players who wanted to play selected their sport, availability, and the distance they were willing to travel to play. Through geolocation, they received notifications for games within their specified distance range, and if there was a match, they were connected. By saving a match, the app pinpointed the location and unlocked Gatorade coupons to share with the team.

Describe the strategy

The strategy for making Gatorade Match Saver a success targeted two key audiences. On one side, we aimed at over 27 million weekly amateur sports enthusiasts in Argentina familiar with the problem of players dropping out before games. On the other side, we targeted individuals willing to play and save matches.

Our approach involved developing a user-friendly app that addressed their specific needs by allowing teams to find replacement players seamlessly. To drive adoption and engagement, we implemented a media approach with a multi-faceted digital campaign, leveraging social media oulets, sports influencers, and former athletes to amplify our message.

Our call to action was clear: download the Gatorade Match Saver app, connect with teams, and keep playing sports. Through targeted messaging and a compelling call to action, we successfully connected with our audience and drove adoption of the app within the Argentine amateur sports community.

Describe the execution

The implementation of Gatorade Match Saver App unfolds in a strategic three-step process. Initially, a beta testing phase began from Feb 22 to 29, exclusively available to selected users from Gatorade/Agency employees. This phase aimed to assess functionality and gather feedback. Following this, a teaser campaign started on March 1 for a week, creating awareness of the upcoming app release. Finally, on March 12, the app was officially launched to the public, available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To support the launch, the strategy included generating app downloads through a full-funnel campaign: online videos, organic social media posts, and sports venue posters. Former famous athletes activated the campaign by saving the first matches, even Real Madrid's star Vini Jr. helped us promote the app. And the campaign was supplemented by influencers promoting the app on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitch.

List the results

In just one month since its launch, Gatorade Match Saver reached a 45% reach of the population of Buenos Aires, which means 6.3 million people. We verified that Gatorade's proposal to save games addressed a real pain point, as it had a great reception from the amateur sports community: the videos had a 15.7% engagement rate on social networks (people who liked, commented, shared, or followed Gatorade), surpassing the brand's benchmark with similar campaigns. The average time users spent interacting within the app is 4m 30s.

Additionally, it had a 96% positive sentiment, 110 million digital impressions, resulting in 17,000 downloads and over 250 matches. This means that in just one month, Gatorade's solution generated 17,560 new minutes of sports in Buenos Aires.

How is this work relevant to this channel?

Gatorade Match Saver's relevance lies in its innovative utilization of digital platforms to effectively communicate the brand message. Serving as a peer-to-peer platform connecting teams and players, the app addresses the frustration of canceled sports games. Leveraging diverse digital channels tailored for seamless user experiences, Match Saver engages its audience uniquely and interactively. Through strategic online campaigns, social media engagement, and influencer partnerships, the app maximizes digital opportunities to impact and deliver a compelling brand experience.

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