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Hutukara is a musical parade that was presented live during the Brazilian carnaval, to raise awareness and give visibility to the Yanomami people. The Yanomami live isolated in the Amazon forest and have been fighting real deadly threats like the illegal mining cartels, the mercury poisoning of their rivers and the Amazon forest devastation. Their fight happens in silence, as they live isolated from the main Brazilian population, so Hutukara was created to bring their fight to the biggest live stage on the planet: the Brazilian carnaval, with the music delivering a clear call for action and protest.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

1. The Yanomami are an indigenous group that live isolated from the main Brazilian population, in the heart of the Amazon forest. They live in a gold rich area, atracting illegal gold mining cartels that polute their rivers with mercury, bring diseases, hunger and violence. The Yanomami are facing extinction at the hands of the mining cartels combined with the inaction from the Brazilian governement. The fact that it all happens far away from the media and the main Brazilian population makes it harder to transform their protection into a priority from the Brazilian government and to generate a loud outcry from the Brazilian population.

2. The Rio de Janeiro Carnaval is commonly refered to as “the biggest spectacle on the planet”. With a live audience of 100,000 people and TV coverage that reaches nearly 100M people. It became the perfect stage to have Brazil’s attention concerning the Yanomami fight against illegal gold and for their survival.

Write a short summary of what happens in the radio or audio work.

The musical Hutukara brings the story of the Yanomami people to the biggest live music spectacle on the planet. The Rio de Janeiro Carnaval becomes the stage for the Yanomami and their fight against illegal mining. 26 chapters tell the story of the Yanomami. From its origin to their current fight against illegal gold mining and the destruction of the Amazon forest.

With 3,000 participants, including 300 percusionists, and 6 building-size floats, the parade is a musical where the lyrics explain the mythology of the Yanomami, from the original Xamã and god Omama to todays real and deadly threat of the illegal gold mining cartels, the mercury poisoning of the rivers, the burning and devastation of the forest and their fight to protect what is left of the Amazon and themselves.

Hutukara is a spectacular protest. It was Performed in front of a live audience of 100,000 and broadcasted live.

Translation. Provide a full English translation of any audio.

English Translation

"HUTUKARA! Omama’s ground

Dusk and fire, God of all creation

Xamã in transe of yakoana

Evoke Xapiri, the mission...

HUTUKARA, ê! Dream and wokeness

The Amazon screams before it goes down in despair

Hunting with your bare hands, dance the ritual

I have the blood that runs from the original people

I learned Portuguese, the oppressor’s language

To prove that my feelings are also your pain,

To talk about love while the forest weeps,

It’s the fight without arrows, it means nothing!

Tyranny in gold mining, obsession for the gold,

The need for possession, the money obsession is what drives you.

And your people in the stands, watching their own extinction

“Yoasi” pretends it’s a nice person,

Listen to the inconvenient truth:

You say you remember the Yanomami on indigenous people’s day,

But don’t know our name and laughed at our hunger, when fear took over us

You want to listen and photograph us to post on your Instagram

But with my tears and my voice I say: no way Brasil!

Before your flag, my red was the color,

We are within those who left, like Bruno and Dom

Kopenawas for the Earth, there’s no end in sight to our fight,

We don’t want your “order”and “progress”

Napê (white man), our fight is for survival!

Napê (white man), we are not surrendering!


Salgueiro is the arrow for the people from the forest

The only viable future is a Yanomami Brasil.

Yanomami terms’ translated.

Hutukara = The sky that fell and formed the forest-earth Urihi, earth we live in today.

Ya Temi Xoa! = We are still here!

Omama = The Yanomami god, original Xamã and creator, Omama created the Xapiri pê, the spirits who help the Xamã.

Xapiri = The spirits who help and guide the Xamãs.


The Yanomami people are facing extinction. Living in the middle of the Amazon forest, in a gold rich area, their land has been invaded by illegal gold mining cartels, who polute their rivers and fishing source with mercury, bring deadly diseases and violence, contributing to one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the recent brazilian history. The Yanomami fight for survival is met with lack of efficient action from the Brazilian government and indiference from the main Brazilian population.

To raise awareness and bring visibility to the Yanomami fight against illegal gold mining and their fight for survival in order to generate a lour outcry from the main Brazilian population and efficient action from the Brazilian government.

To have the Yanomami fight for surival as a priority topic in the news media. To become a household conversation of the main Brazilian population. To generate action from the government.

Describe the Impact:

200M earned media

220M people reached

+5000% Yanomami mentions

10M song streams

+8,600 articles written

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