Glass: The Lion For Change > Glass
There is a push for more women in leadership positions in advertising, marketing and media. At the entry level more women than men enter these sectors which reflects the fact that more women have been graduating from high education than men for some time. But there's a leaky bucket when a woman becomes a parent or caregiver. There is a significant number who leave the workforce. But what's more, mothers represent and influence between 70-80% of all consumer spending in the US. Globally mothers represent over 30 billion in spending and this keeps rising. Moreover without the systems in place to support working moms, it's a significant impediment for moms to take on and stay in leadership positions which is a huge loss since Moms are well educated, experienced and have great ideas to add that are of value. Why are the systems and structures that are in place creating mother workplace bias?
A video showcases the Frog Moms leadership of StrawberryFrog - Karin Drakenberg Co Founder of the agency and mom, Shayne Milliongton, ECD and mom, Liz Scordato Head of Project Management and a mom, Beth Knight, Brand Strategist and a mom and many more. What they faced, what they needed to succeed, and how they're doing. The landing page features all the Frog Moms, their bios, podcasts featuring Nancy Hill- the President of the 4As- and Lisa Stromberg, of the 3% conference discussing the issue of mother workplace bias and the need to fix this in order to retain women in leadership positions in the workplace. We linked our campaign to plenty of articles, blog posts and tools.
Across the four major channels, this campaign reached 826,241people. We achieved 2,753 shares of the work. The video and Podcasts racked up 20,000 views/downloads and rising during the first few days. The website reached almost 100,000 and the issue became a topic of conversation in the social media space in the US and internationally.
We targeted men and women marketers, advertising personnel, media management as well opinion formers and influencers.
For Mother's Day 2016, launched a campaign that featured a video, podcasts featuring leading industry moms, articles on a landing page as well as social media and PR strategy.
Call to action: "Mom is not a bad word" is a fight against mother workplace bias that we asked the audience to share if they agree. And share they did. This film takes a stand against mother workplace bias. We asked people to share if they liked it.
At StrawberryFrog, we know that women are more important than men, and having mothers in leadership positions at our agency is of the utmost importance. It has nothing to do with feminism. The truth is that mothers represent and influence between 70-80% of all consumer spending in the US. Globally mothers represent over 30 billion in spending; so it makes sense that mothers make ideal advertisers. The problem is that the advertising industry demands long and flexible hours- not ideal for raising a family. That's why we at StrawberryFrog reinvented the work week to accommodate mothers.
We wanted to start a conversation about this issue and showcase ways to solve it.
The brief: raise the issue of mother workplace bias in advertising, marketing and media and demonstrate ways to solve it.
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