Industry Craft > Illustration



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Our work with the Planetary Guardians leveraged unique insights to design an impactful brand position and never-before-seen, living visual identity. In partnership with the Earth Species Project, our work leverages their data-based visualizations of nature sounds to bring to life an ever-evolving, growing, and changing visual identity.

Our data-driven visual identity system is not just a trend but a timeless innovation with a unique craft that evolves with the times. As the Earth system rapidly evolves due to various human impacts, this living identity tells a compelling story while staying relevant and adaptable to the ever-evolving times.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The climate crisis is not new news. However not everyone is entirely convinced of the need to address it. According to Statista, only 41% of global audience say they see climate change as a serious threat, 28 %somewhat serious, and 13% say not a threat at all. People don’t realize how deep in this crisis we really are. And that’s exactly why the planetary Guardians were born: to elevate the science of the planetary boundaries created by Johan Rockström and 28 other scientists. There are nine boundaries, and humanity has already crossed 6 of them. But we can do this together.

The good news is that the world has done it before. People have come together to identify a problem with the ozone layer. We didn’t ignore the science and hoped it would all be okay. We saw clear trends, changed industries, and reimagined policies. It was one of humanity’s greatest achievements, and a handful of committed people were at the center of it.

Planetary Guardians believe we can do it again.

We can come together across nations, sectors, generations, and cultures, leveraging our differences to find solutions that will not just bend the curve but reinvent it altogether.


Our Planet is an interconnected system, and we need to start responding to the root causes of its issues, not just the symptoms. That is why Johan Rockström and over 28 of the best scientists in the world have created a measurement model called Planetary Boundaries.

This model scientifically identifies nine Planetary Boundaries within which humanity can continue to thrive. Unfortunately, six of them now have been crossed.

However, there’s hope, and this model can guide us, highlighting the potential tipping points and providing solutions for a healthy partnership between people and the Planet.

The Planetary Guardians were created to safeguard these boundaries and raise awareness of our current situation. This independent collective elevates science to make the Planetary Boundaries a measurement for the world.

The agency was challenged to create the brand positioning and visual identity of the brand, which was launched during Climate Week in NYC in 2023.

Tell the jury about the illustration.

Earth is fascinating. It’s beautiful, complex, and ever-changing. But some changes have a massive impact on our society, just like they do on our climate.

Research shows that, when it comes to these changes, audiences don’t know who to listen to. So, when creating Planetary Guardians’ brand positioning and visual identity, Bloom brought them the most important voice to listen to – the Earth’s voice.

Going beyond design elements, we established a visual identity powered by the Earth’s “voice.”

Collaborating with Aza Raskin and the Earth Species Project, the design employs machine learning to transform sounds emitted by nature into 3d shapes that become our logo and the entire visual identity system.

Currently, the visual represents the Great Barrier Reef, The Amazon Rainforest, and the Arctic Tern, but this is just the beginning. The brand will keep evolving, just as our planet does.

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