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The Lufthansa FlyNet Radio spot: A minute-by-minute time protocol gradually describes the events, that lead to a young man unintentionally becoming an internet-star, just because of an embarrassing dance-video of himself, that he sent into the wrong chat before boarding. Of course, he has no idea what happens in the world wide web during his flight. Only when he switches on his smartphone after landing he finds out what happened during his time being offline – but it’s too late. And René realizes, that a lot can happen in 7 hours.
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FlyNet. „René“
8:28 a.m.
Just like he does before every flight, René films himself doing the “Bumblebee Buzz” dance and sends the video to his girlfriend Yvonne via WhatsApp before he gets on the plane.
8:29 a.m.
The video of the Bumblebee Buzz dance doesn’t get sent to Yvonne – instead, he accidentally sends it to his soccer team´s chat group “The Beer Kings.”
9:15 a.m.
The Beer Kings enthusiastically agree that they haven’t seen anything this ridiculous in a long time.
9:17 a.m.
Goalkeeper Micky tells teammate The Rock to “add some music to it.”
11:55 a.m.
Announcing it with “buckle up, muchachos,” TheRock84 uploads the “Bumblebee Buzz Dance” to YouTube.
2:12 p.m.
The K-pop group Twisted breaks every TikTok record in Thailand and the Philippines with their interpretation of the dance – followed by Mexico, the UK, and Bhutan.
3:26 p.m.
The crowd freaks out as René enters the arrivals terminal. Before he can turn on his cell phone in a panic, he’s hit hard by dozens of bras.
(Off-Camera Narrator:)
A lot can happen in seven hours. With Lufthansa FlyNet, you won’t miss a thing while above the clouds.
Lufthansa. Say yes to the world.
FlyNet. „René“
08:28 Uhr
Wie vor jedem Flug filmt sich René beim „Brummel-Hummel-Tanz“ und sendet das Video per whatsapp seiner Freundin Yvonne, bevor er in den Flieger steigt.
08:29 Uhr
Der Brummel-Hummel-Tanz landet nicht bei Yvonne. Sondern aus Versehen im Chat seiner Handballgruppe „Die Bierkönige“.
09:15 Uhr
Bei den Bierkönigen herrscht begeisterte Einigkeit darüber, dass man so etwas Krankes schon lange nicht mehr gesehen hat.
SFX: Scha-la-la-la-la
09:17 Uhr
„Kreisi, mach ma Mucke drauf“, so der Vorschlag von Ersatz-Keeper Mungo.
11:55 Uhr
Mit dem Hinweis „Anschnallen, Muchachos“ lädt Kreisi84 den „Brummel-Hummel-Dance“ auf youtube hoch.
14:12 Uhr
Die K-Pop Gruppe „Twisted“ bricht mit ihrer Interpretation des Tanzes sämtliche Tik Tok-Rekorde in Thailand und den Philippinen. Es folgen Mexico, UK und Bhutan.
15:08 Uhr
Die ersten A-Promis melden sich zu Wort und beteuern mit René entweder eine Affäre oder zumindest die gleiche Mutter zu haben.
SFX: Frauenstimme: „No, really!“
15:26 Uhr
Tumultartige Zustände als Rene die Ankunftshalle betritt. Bevor er panisch sein Handy einschalten kann, wird er von mehreren BHs schwer am Kopf getroffen.
In 7 Stunden kann viel passieren. Mit Lufthansa FlyNet kriegen sie auch über den Wolken alles mit.
Lufthansa. Say yes to the world.
Cultural / Context information for the jury
The good thing about a long flight: you can relax and switch off for a few hours. The bad thing about it: you are completely cut off from the outside world. Especially in today's times, an absolute horror show. You could miss so much. Because on many transcontinental flights there is still no reliable WIFI on board.
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