Direct > Direct: Sectors


OGILVY SPAIN, Barcelona / AUDI / 2021

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Why is this work relevant for Direct?

"My name is..." is a sensory experiment and an original way of raising the awareness of synesthesia, an alteration of the senses unknown to most people.

An ultra-personalized piece that is based on the interpretation of 134 names and surnames through the senses of two people with synesthesia.

The illustrations and flavors for each name were create ad hoc, making it impossible to create and deliver two identical pieces.

134 gifts were sent on the birthdays of the people behind each name.


Audi challenged us to create a birthday present for everyone involved in Audi Innovative Thinking, the innovation platform for its community of influencers and artists who collaborate to debate and generate ideas about innovation and creativity, and to create an emotional bond with the brand.

Audi was looking for a very personal gift for its users – something that would stand out from other brands and that would inspire people to think differently, to stimulate their creativity and innovative spirit.

Describe the creative idea

"My name is ..." is a unique way of discovering that something as special and unique as your name can be perceived in ways you never imagined.

It all starts with synesthesia: an alteration of the senses that allows some people to experience sensations in two or more senses at the same time. Our idea was to represent the names of each influencers through people with this unique condition.

So, we contacted Miren Karmele Gomez, a scientific communicator with synesthesia, who interpreted and captured the 134 names and surnames in ad hoc illustrations.

We also worked with, Elena Cobos, with synesthesia, who interpreted the flavor of each name which we synthesized it into edible capsules together with a pastry company.

Together, the idea materialized into a super personalized birthday gift that invites the user to reflect, to see things from new perspectives, and to be even more creative and innovative.

Describe the strategy

The challenge was to figure out how to stand out in the minds of this community of influencers and artists who regularly receive gifts from many brands on their birthday and to capture the attention of people from multiple disciplines and those who closely follow trends.

Success depended on finding an approach that quickly captures attention, is highly personalized, dynamic and shareable on social media. Something based on what the entire Audi Innovative Thinking community has in common: the desire to continue innovating and thinking in different ways.

Describe the execution

The conception and execution of the idea took place over 6 months and relied on many actors and factors: finding and contacting 2 people with synesthesia, posing the challenge, producing 134 unpublished illustrations, collaborating with a pastry company to create a totally new edible product suitable for conservation and delivery, and, of course, creating a packaging that united all the different elements.

Not to mention, coordinating delivery over a span of time to perfectly coincide with the birthday of each collaborator.

List the results

The results were very qualitative. The celebrities all valued the gift, praising its originality, personalization and the approach behind its creation.

Many of them called the client directly to thank them for the gift, others shared it on social networks. And the fact that it was something more than a purely material gift was highly valued in a context as emotional as a birthday.

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