Film > Culture & Context


OPPO, Shenzhen / OPPO / 2024

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Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Film?

The campaign core creative work is the online film.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In our fast-paced world, new technologies and constant trends dominate, overwhelming us with information. 97.3% of active social media users in the Asia Pacific region have accessed social media on their mobile devices. Asia is central to Facebook growth, given that this region has more than 426 million monthly active users. 32.8% of all twitter users are from the Asia Pacific region. We spend almost 4 hours a day on social media. People, driven by data, engage in conversations anywhere, anytime, often prioritising screens over the present moment. This disconnect causes cherished moments to slip away, lost in our screen-bound reality.

In APAC culture, not everyone resides in large extended families. Many individuals have moved out or relocated to other cities or countries in pursuit of job opportunities, leading them to spend considerable time away from their homes and families.

Gathering the entire family together becomes challenging, making popular holidays like the Year-end holiday a significant occasion for all family members to reunite and spend time together. During this valuable time of the year, we aim to encourage people to put aside their mobile devices and immerse themselves in the genuine togetherness beyond the screen, cherishing the moments shared with loved ones.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

In a restaurant, a girl sits at the centre of her family, surrounded by disconnected faces buried in mobile screens. When the waiter arrives, uttering 'enjoy your meal,' no one glances up to embrace the moment. Suddenly, the girl picks a ball from her pocket, igniting a playful exchange. She involves her family and even includes a neighbouring man. With swift reflexes, he catches the ball from a bowl of soup, sparking his decision to share the fun with nearby ladies. This impromptu act triggers a chain reaction. Gradually, the entire restaurant abandons their phones, engaging in a lively ball exchange. Their actions unite them in the pure delight of the present, breaking barriers of disconnection and fostering togetherness.


The year-end season is not just a time for personal celebrations but also for brand festivities. Numerous brands aim to connect with their customers, establishing a firm presence during this opportune time to promote their products. OPPO believes in 'Inspiration Ahead', not just pushing progress but enabling people to savour moments, especially during this special time. The goal is to deeply touch consumers' feelings, especially during celebrations.

Describe the Impact:

Ignite the aspirational idea of 'Enjoy The Present' with powerful insights that connect APAC countries. The film itself doesn't just convey the message with 236M+ views; it can actually trigger consumers to reconsider and initiate their connections. This action is meaningful to OPPO, representing the true definition of 'Connection'.

Total Media Impression 1.08 Billion+

Total Views 236 Million+

Ad Recalls Taiwan 12.40% up, Singapore 11.09% up, Indonesia 8.22% up, Thailand 7.86% up, Vietnam 6.75% up, Philippines 4.71% up.

Purchase Consideration Vietnam 9.50% up, Thailand 4.92% up, Malaysia 4.71% up.

Please tell us how the work was designed/adapted for a single country / region / market.

In 2022, OPPO launched the OPPO APAC 2022 Year-end Campaign in the APAC region. This campaign combined Christmas, New Year, and the Chinese Spring Festival to establish deep emotional connections with users, resulting in a successful spread of the campaign message.

As a result of this success, OPPO plans to launch the OPPO APAC 2023 Year-end Campaign at the end of 2023. Centred around the New Year, this campaign will continue to engage users on an emotional level, fostering emotional connections. Through a cohesive online and offline marketing strategy, the campaign aims to reach users comprehensively and consistently, projecting a unified brand image across the Asia-Pacific region. The ultimate goal is to elevate the brand and drive end-of-year sales through a high-end brand image and the promotion of year-end sales events.

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