Outdoor > Culture & Context


SHA INC., Tokyo / ADOBE KK / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

The story of the creators was disseminated through on-demand content while generating social

interaction starting with media focused on Creative professional.

In addition, this work will sequentially published in 9 design-related magazines, in order to be

introduced in various media that touch on Creative professional.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

As AI's influence grows across various fields, the creative industry is no exception, sparking concern among creators worldwide about the future of their professions, particularly in Japan.

In fact, the replacement of jobs by AI is being talked in all sorts of contexts.

Consequently, Gen AI adoption is relatively low compared to other countries.

While Firefly is gaining momentum, Japanese Creative Professionals are apprehensive about the emergence of AI, which may be contributing to the relative slow adoption of AI features.


This is a part of the thought leadership project regarding AI in the creative industries initiated by Adobe Japan. The goal is not to emphasize the attractiveness or ease of use of AI, but rather to allay fears about AI and inspire creatives to believe in themselves and explore new possibilities.

Adobe Japan invited a professional creators team, art directors, graphic designers and retouchers who are focused on their creative journey.

They used ordinary stock photos to create eight "PS in the Landscapes," fictional landscapes, that are stunningly realistic and precise.

Create social interactions with Creative professional-focused media as the starting point, and tell the creators' stories through owned content.

By doing this, will maintain and improve Creative professional users' retention in product use and enhance Adobe's brand image in the creator community.

Describe the Impact:

Conduct Thought Leadership campaign by communicating a brand statement to the Creative

professional community that praises the creators/works that continue to challenge their craft

capabilixties ultimately at the age of AI.

Create social interactions with Creative professional-focused media as the starting point, and tell

the creators' stories through owned content.

By doing this, will maintain and improve Creative professional users' retention in product use

and enhance Adobe's brand image in the creator community.

During a talk session at the Adobe MAX Japan 2023 event, this project was introduced and

received the second-highest evaluation from the audience. In the future, the media plan is

aimed at reaching an even wider range of creative professionals, and will continue to

communicate its commitment to staying close to them in 2024.

Please tell us how the work was designed/adapted for a single country / region / market.

Research has revealed that Japanese creators have a negative attitude toward the introduction

of AI, even by global standards.

Understanding this national character, we tried to convey the message that the time and

achievements they have accumulated to date are not to be compared or opposed to AI, and that

new creative possibilities can be found by coexisting with new technologies and utilizing AI as a


The retouching, which was purposely done in layers by hand, is a delicate process that requires

long hours and patience, as seen in traditional Japanese crafts.

The continued, positive challenge to truly create, rather than to define a technique as old or new,

is a steady but powerful force.

This project was designed so that the methods used to create the work and the finished work

itself would stimulate the creators' minds and rekindle their creative.

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