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Why is this work relevant for Music Entertainment?

Our Director has collaborated again with Harry Styles to deliver the brilliant visuals for 'Satellite'. The music video begins with Stomper the robot at a Harry Styles concert. Stomper wades through stray confetti and feather boas to venture out across rainy nights, highways, canyons, deserts, and mountains in search for the sense of connection he once felt at Harry's gig.

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After the very successful ‘Music For A Sushi Restaurant’ music video, Aube and Harry Styles joined forces again for ‘Satellite’.

Describe the strategy & insight

The video follows the charming adventure of a cleaning robot with big dreams of reaching the cosmos. We meet the little robot cleaning up backstage at a Harry Styles concert, when he looks up and is mesmerised by TV footage of Curiosity the Mars Rover. What follows is an ‘awe inspiring journey’ of a robot cleaner travelling through city streets, small alleys, unpredictable weather and into the unknown.

Describe the creative idea

The video follows the charming adventure of a cleaning robot with big dreams of reaching the cosmos. We meet the little robot cleaning up backstage at a Harry Styles concert, when he looks up and is mesmerised by TV footage of Curiosity the Mars Rover. What follows is an ‘awe inspiring journey’ of a robot cleaner travelling through city streets, small alleys, unpredictable weather and into the unknown.

Describe the craft & execution

Aube: Satellite was very spread out. We had to change the original plan. We were going to shoot everything happening in the Forum - the venue Harry was playing - and then to go straight for the travel section. But then Harry got had to cancel a few dates - and this happened right before the shoot. Was very unfortunate.

But in the end, it turned out to be amazing for our little hero. By having the shoot more spread out, we got to spent much more time with it, working on its personality and getting to know what worked the best in terms of emotions, simply because we grew very fond of it, and by spending so much time on the roads all together, we couldn’t very much experiment how it had the ability to move us, and therefore to move everyone. Also, it allowed us to come back to shoot key scenes much later, when we had all that knowledge on what our hero should be. It gave me the decisive benefit of reflecting on it, something with very rarely have with music videos.

We got so very lucky with this one. Getting to have days with solid configs and big crew, lots of stuff to play with, use The Kia Forum. But also got to shoot with a very 'indie' config, when we shot all the travel sequences. We were just eight people in two cars - just travelling through the US and shooting whenever you want, going wherever you want.

Describe the results

Harry Styles becomes a side player in his own video for Satellite, where the true hero is an automated vacuum cleaner who falls in love, and heads out of the big LA venue where Styles is performing to embark on a nail-biting adventure - which takes the little guy (I think we can call it a little guy) all over America...

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